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The Journal

Welcome to my journal. Here is where you will find session highlights, tips, my everyday life and thoughts, news, and lots of things in-between. If there is something you are want to know just let me know and I am happy to share.


Welcome TO THE

I just can’t get enough of newborn cuteness and how very special they are.  I just love that they have so much hair on their bodies that disappears before our eyes, peeling skin, and sweet noises.  It just makes me want tons of babies.  I know my hubby just loves that.  😉  Seriously who can […]

Almost a year ago I had the pleasure of photographing Isa and Jazzy at Laguna Beach. We had a blast! Both girls have tons of personality and were a joy to capture.  Isa is not shy in front of the camera and I enjoyed her striking poses for the camera.  🙂  So I was very […]

In keeping with my new goal from my last post, it is time to do some catch up, starting with a very sweet family for late April.  I know I know…bad photographer for not posting these sooner.  So, here we go! One of the fun things about living in the desert is that we are […]

Approximately 29 weeks ago, Ezekiel had that feeling that many men say they have when they know their wife is pregnant, before their wife has any idea.  Well, he sure knows his beautiful wife because sure enough she was about 8 weeks pregnant.  A few months later Monica and I had our 1st conversation, and […]

One month ago I had the great pleasure of meeting both Naoto and Nora.  We met at the La Quinta Civic Center Park.  The day was perfect.  Nora and Naota are an amazing couple.  They have so much love for each other.  You could see it in how they look at each other, help each […]

A few years back Lea and I shared one of those college courses you would rather not think about ever again.  During said class we started a nice friendship along with a few other girls.  To my excitement a few months ago I learned Lea and Christian were expecting their 1st little bundle of joy! […]

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