For those select few that stick around when I bail on my blog, I want to say thank you! Keeping up on the blog is definitely not my strong suit. A few weeks ago I started this blog challenge thinking “oh ten days no problem!” Well, as you can see by the dates on […]
Ahh turn offs! This one is going to be easy. When I mentioned today’s topic to my son, Tristan, his response was “like turning off a switch?” Lol!! Yep love, something like that. I just love his innocence.
Here is today’s topic: 4 Turn Offs… 1: Disrespect – As adults we should know […]
Honestly I did not think I would make it this far with this challenge. I am mighty proud of myself. So without all the fluff before the post, let’s get down to business! Day 6 – 5 People Who Mean A Lot (In no certain order) 1: My husband, Travis – We have had […]
Well I did it, I made it halfway through the challenge and only a day late. I knew I would end up not thinking about it one day and miss one. Oh well. I am back on track today. Today’s blog is 6 things I wish I had never done. Whoa this one is a […]
Today has been one of those crazy days that your wish you could rewind and try again. I am still processing all that went on. But before I start today’s blog challenge post I want to take a minute to say my thoughts and prayers are with a couple families today that lost their loved […]
Today’s topic is pretty interesting. 8 ways to win my heart. I would like to think it is pretty simple, however the boys in my house might disagree. So let’s see… 1: Coming home to find the house picked up and the chores all done without me having to ask or remind. 2: Hand […]