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The Journal

Welcome to my journal. Here is where you will find session highlights, tips, my everyday life and thoughts, news, and lots of things in-between. If there is something you are want to know just let me know and I am happy to share.


Welcome TO THE

It is hard to believe that we are now in 2013.  It seems like yesterday when we hit the year 2000.  Crazy how fast time goes!  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to capture so many wonderful moments for my clients.  From births to newborns, toddlers to teens, families, and a few […]

Being new to the desert I never would have thought I would find a place so close to home that would feel a little more woodsy.  But when I got the inquiry from Bethan and we talked about the Whitewater Preserve I was super excited for what was in store.  Prior to our session I […]

Oh Louie how I just adore you and your mama!!  OK OK I know you are thinking I say that a lot.  But I truly do.  So many people, myself included, much anticipated this little one.  With a mama as special as his we all could not wait to meet him.  🙂  From my 1st […]

I have to admit when I got this inquiry for family portraits I was a bit giddy.  From the time I moved here to Palm Desert a year and a half ago I wanted to photograph at the JW Marriott Desert Springs.  It is an amazing location with so many natural backdrops.  It took everything in […]

My of my this little man has stole my heart!  The big blue eyes and baby snuggles…swoon!! He was such a trooper and a perfect baby to photograph.  Halfway through Sterling needed a little snack and a quick cat nap and then he was back.  Absolutely a dream!  We had tons of fun on grandpa’s […]

Wow!!  The last day of 2011.  It seems like yesterday I was scrambling to get my blog up and running before the New Year.  Thankfully I managed to do it with 2 minutes to spare.  39 posts and over 35,000 views later it is plugging along.  🙂  This year I plan on making my blog […]

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