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The Journal

Welcome to my journal. Here is where you will find session highlights, tips, my everyday life and thoughts, news, and lots of things in-between. If there is something you are want to know just let me know and I am happy to share.


Welcome TO THE

You have seen the post on Facebook about giveaways, a new website launch, and new changes coming.  I am so looking forward to everything ahead, which I will be releasing over the next couple weeks.  First, I have been working on a redesign of an all new website and cannot wait to launch it on […]

It is hard to believe that we are now in 2013.  It seems like yesterday when we hit the year 2000.  Crazy how fast time goes!  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to capture so many wonderful moments for my clients.  From births to newborns, toddlers to teens, families, and a few […]

On the last post you met Alexis and Symone.  Now meet Maria, Reina, Crystal, Jessica, and Lauren.  I am so excited for this year and have been so blessed to have an amazing group of girls representing Ann Keen Photography this 2012/2013 school year.  Thanks to my two amazing mentees, Emily and Laura, for spreading […]

Every year I plan to do a High School Senior Rep Program and every year, for one reason or another, it never pans out.  Usually because I don’t get things out in time.  But this year is different.  This year I hit the pavement early and hard.  After much back and forth and little tweaks […]

Oooo one confession.  This one takes some thought. What kind of confession to reveal?  My love of chocolate maybe??  Nah, I have already done that.  How about my love for my family?  Nope, that is pretty evident.  My love for TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Rookie Blue, and Revenge?  Or even that I secretly DVR […]

I bet you thought another month would go by without another post.  I told you I would be back. 🙂 I absolutely love today’s topic!  I know, I know, I have said that before but right now I have so many emotions going on about my life right now.  I am at a point in […]

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