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The Journal

Welcome to my journal. Here is where you will find session highlights, tips, my everyday life and thoughts, news, and lots of things in-between. If there is something you are want to know just let me know and I am happy to share.


Welcome TO THE

If you follow me on Facebook you know that lots has been happening but you may not know what exactly.  For the last few months I have been soul searching, pinning lots of things I LOVE, and finally re-branding.  I am so excited for the all new look of Ann Keen Photography.  I cannot wait […]

A few weeks ago I met up with my cousin, Jessica, in Old Town La Quinta for some creative fun.  Jessica rocked it.  Even while holding a pose on her toes!  🙂  Old Town La Quinta is one of my favorite locations.  Stairs, archways, large windows, amazing doors, and bougainvillea, to name a few of […]

My of my this little man has stole my heart!  The big blue eyes and baby snuggles…swoon!! He was such a trooper and a perfect baby to photograph.  Halfway through Sterling needed a little snack and a quick cat nap and then he was back.  Absolutely a dream!  We had tons of fun on grandpa’s […]

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Post #1 of 2012!  Wow…2012 already.  It seems like yesterday I was just starting my blog, which happens to be a year old today. 🙂  When going through my list of sessions that need to make their appearance on my blog, Michael and […]

Wow!!  The last day of 2011.  It seems like yesterday I was scrambling to get my blog up and running before the New Year.  Thankfully I managed to do it with 2 minutes to spare.  39 posts and over 35,000 views later it is plugging along.  🙂  This year I plan on making my blog […]

I just can’t get enough of newborn cuteness and how very special they are.  I just love that they have so much hair on their bodies that disappears before our eyes, peeling skin, and sweet noises.  It just makes me want tons of babies.  I know my hubby just loves that.  😉  Seriously who can […]

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