Thank you to all who have made it possible for my business to continue to grow over the years! Now let’s celebrate!!

How is it possible that tonight is the last night of 2019?! Didn’t we just celebrate the beginning of 2019? With all the craziness since October between power outages, kids being sick, over 40 photography sessions, school portraits, 2 trips to Palm Desert, Santa, and life, a very big event happened for Ann Keen Photography. Now that I can breathe a little, I can take a minute to post, shout, and celebrate Ann Keen Photography turned 10!!!
Celebrate 10 years!!
It feels like yesterday when I was in the darkroom developing film, watching my emerging prints come alive, and preparing to finish getting my degree in photography.
In 2007 I made a shift after spending 5+ years working towards a neurobiology/neuropsychology major as pre-med with the goal of being an OB-Gyn or something in Neuro. I was 3 semesters away from applying to med schools when life shifted. My oldest son was diagnosed with epilepsy causing me to need to pause and reevaluate. It was time to take classes I had always wanted to but did not have the room in a pre-med schedule to add. My first semester in photography was filled with 10 (yep 10) photography classes. Even after being urged to not have so many. Sorry Randy I was pretty determined. ?On day 2 I knew that I was in the right place. I jumped in with both feet and finished in only a year and a half.
I remember that last time in the darkroom at Sierra College pretty distinctly. The smell of fixer, watching my images slowly appear, and being at peace that I was doing what I loved and was being called to. Since that day I have captured hundreds of families, couples, and high school seniors. Births, angels, weddings, siblings, events, headshots, and products. Not to mention mentoring many budding photographers/entrepreneurs, leading photography classes at conferences, and teaching many one on one photography classes. It has been quite the journey. There has been ups and downs, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Thank you to everyone that has called on me to capture your special moments! It has been such an honor over the last 10 years. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! ?
Let’s Celebrate!
So now comes some fun. ? Below is are images from my first 5 years in business. Come back tomorrow for more celebration goodies and the last 5 years of moments. So be sure to keep scrolling, there are some goodies between the years.
Enjoy 2009-2011
These galleries include a small sample of images during each set of years. You may even catch a glimpse of one of my first logos. ? To see the logo progression be sure to scroll through my about section of my website.
In case you did not see the change earlier in the year, head over to Ann Keen Photography’s website to see an all new look.
First off, all portrait sessions booked during the month of January 2020 will be 10% off.
Check back tomorrow for more fun!
Wow all the memories that come with those portraits. Each image brought back memories of our sessions together. So many laughs, hugs, happy tears, learning, and miles traveled.
See you back here tomorrow for more goodies and images from the last 5 years of Ann Keen Photography.
Great to see one of my senior photos in here! Thank you for being an amazing mentor in 2014 and for taking my photos!
That was a fun day! You are very welcome! And thank you as well. You were a wonderful mentee.